
How this ONE thing is driving your customers crazy

Did you know there’s one thing that’s severely holding back your offer?

What if I told you that oversight was costing you thousands of dollars every time you miss it?

This one thing has been the killer of all offers. No mater how compelling they may be.

It’s called, The Curse Of knowledge.

Maybe you’ve heard of it. Here’s where I clear it up. And help you make offers so irresistible your prospects will beg you to buy.

What it Actually is

TCK is when someone who’s so absorbed in their field begins to talk to someone else who isn’t, as if they were. Think about it like this, imagine your friend telling you a story in the middle. You won’t understand him. You’ll ask him to start at the beginning, but he’ll assume you were there and start at the middle.

Another example. Think about a doctor giving you a diagnosis on a physical. He won’t use all the technical jargon he learned in med school. He’ll say, “you need to lose weight, get more sleep, your blood pressure is high, lower your stress etc.”

How to apply it.

Now, the way you apply this to every offer is by never assuming the audience knows more than they do. Always write your copy as if someone is coming across your company, and offer for the first time. Eliminate technical jargon if you’re not talking to a technical audience. Even if you were, people still want easy to read material. They would rather not struggle to read your marketing piece, especially since they don’t have to.